April 2006 Update:
The site was successfully sold this month to Capital & Counties who plan to adjust the proposed retail content to suit a range of retailers whom they consider to be appropriate for the location.
The previous August saw presentation to the Greenwich planning board of a 60-page officer’s report which confirmed that the consulted-upon proposals were compliant is all practical aspects with their requirements. The recommendation was nevertheless to refuse on one ground: height, bulk and detail design. An appeal was lodged in February 2006. Leading Counsel in a written Opinion gave a 65-75% chance of success.
April 2005 Update:
Since the July 2004 update (see below) when we reported on the delays arising mainly as a result of addressing the issue of affordable housing and the consequent change of the main office building in the square changing to flats, together with a demand from Greenwich that the smaller scheme which excludes the railway cutting be resubmitted as a separate planning application.
The purpose of the smaller scheme is to defend the larger project which spans the cutting from unreasonable financial demands which could jeaopardise the development. It is important to have a workable option without depending on the railway even though it is not the preferred option. However, making a separate new application seems to have raised new concerns and to have reopened issues where consultees had said they were content. Click on the second image on the left to see the revised version of the smaller application scheme.
So we have been required to attend meetings of the World Heritage Site coordinating committee three years after they were first consulted on the scheme, and to refine and amend the design as seen from surrounding streets. After three meetings they expressed strong support for the concept and a consensus of support for the refined design.
Subsequently Network Rail, with whom agreement is in advanced negotiation, required a height clearance over the cutting to allow future electrification of the line (despite adjacent height restrictions). We have therefore had to remodel the scheme and to achieve satisfactory ground floor access and access to the square for wheelchairs and fire tenders.
These are the factors which have brought about the fourth revised application which was submitted to Greenwich early in March 2005.
A public exhibition has been planned with the Greenwich Society for WEDNESDAY 25th May at the Yoga Centre on the site at 18-19 Stockwell Street. This will run from 5.30 to 7.30pm and the architects will be in attendance. Please come!
Meanwhile note the following drawings which are available at the planning office and local library. Images and views are followed by plans and then the written submission which explains the reasoning behind the changes and the latest proposal. Work is under way to review the smaller scheme.
Your comments are appreciated, please send them to:greenwich@bwcp.co.uk
Thank you,
Brian Waters
02/0498/F & 02/0499/C and 04/1807/F BW/1211/2.00 8 March 2005
Director of Strategic Planning GREENWICH LBC Peggy Middleton House 59 Woolwich New Road London SE18 6HQ Attn: Jim Smith Esq
Dear Sir
Stockwell Street Redevelopment, Greenwich for Stockwell Park Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of Greenwich House Properties Ltd) 02/0498/F & 02/0499/C and 04/1807/F (excluding Network Rail land).
Further to our meeting with Mr Smith and Mr Crow on 9th February and my letter of 11th February, where I said: ‘My instructions are that we are to submit to you the anticipated further (we hope final) revision which will include the dimensional change in levels called for by Network Rail, the refinements you have seen which result from the dialogue with the WHSCC as well as possible adjustments to heights. Relevant amendments made to the full scheme will be matched by amendments to the smaller scheme (the Network Rail issue not being relevant). As before, I will supply you with an initial submission for your consideration while the 18 consultation sets you ask for are being printed and bound. I anticipate that this should be with you in the first week of March. We will also consider the desirability of a further [fourth] local consultation or exhibition. Ê Please be in touch if there are any further issues for us to take into consideration.’
At the meeting we tabled and left with you a Halcrow engineering drawing which shows the construction design [PTDGRS/011] for rafting the cutting which is the basis for the technical approval ÔForm AÕ application to Network Rail which is underway. As explained this threw up a requirement to reserve height under the development for future possible electrification with the consequence that we have had to adjust the ground levels affected. These changed requirements are accommodated in the enclosed.
My letter to you of 12 November (copy attached) reported the consequence of the three meetings we were asked to attend by the WHSCC and enclosed refined and amended drawings to which, at the third of these meetings, the consensus of the committee gave broad support.
This letter details the changes which are also incorporated in the enclosed drawings. Mr Smith has since confirmed his view that full re-consultation is called for.
I have previously advised that negotiations with Network Rail are making good progress and I expect Network Rail to provide a supportive letter once we have a committee date. As mentioned when we spoke today, we believe that there can be a mutually satisfactory outcome to the negotiations with Simon Ferrier on the affordable housing, even though the 11 February meeting was cancelled by your officers and has now been re-arranged for 22 March.
We have taken advice with regard to the smaller application scheme and it has been decided to review the design on the basis that would not be a partial implementation of the larger scheme but should respond more to the limitations of the site excluding the railway land. This work is in hand but will take a little longer to get to you. Meanwhile we ask that the application Ê04/1807/F (excluding Network Rail land) be put in abeyance.
The enclosed drawings and folders comprise full sets of a further revised application under references 02/0498/F (& 02/0499/C) which are for the CouncilÕs consideration. In addition to the 2 full scale ÔstatutoryÕ sets of application drawings we supply the requested 18 bound volumes which also include illustrative views. bound sets of these drawings are in preparation for this purpose.
We also intend to mount a further exhibition at John Humphries House and to invite public consultation at a meeting with us one evening, as before. The consultation website will also be brought up to date. I will consult with Mr Smith on the timing and approach so as to complement his consultation arrangements. Ê Finally I would ask that a meeting is arranged with the Director so that the scheme may be presented to him and a discussion of relevant issues pursued ahead of his reporting to the Planning Board.
The statutory sets of the full scaleÊ drawings will be supplied to you as soon as these other documents have been prepared. Ê Please advise me if you need more. Ê I am sending copies of this submission and the drawings to the Rt Hon Nick Raynsford MP, Sir Michael Pike, chairman the Greenwich Society, Howard Slight, chairman the Greenwich Forum all of whom have asked me to keep them advised of our progress.
Yours faithfully
Brian Waters
attached: My letter to you dated 12 November 2004. [see just below]
encls: Two bound sets of two volumes as noted above, with drawing issue sheets included. Area tables on the plans. Ê
cc Steve Todd Esq, Stockwell Park Ltd Jeremy Edge RICS, AtisReal
02/0498/F & 02/0499/C and 04/1807/F BW/1211/2.00 8 March 2005
Director of Strategic Planning GREENWICH LBC Peggy Middleton House 59 Woolwich New Road London SE18 6HQ
Attn: Jim Smith Esq
Dear Sir Ê Stockwell Street Redevelopment, Greenwich for Stockwell Park Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of Greenwich House Properties Ltd) 02/0498/F & 02/0499/C and 04/1807/F (excluding Network Rail land).
Further to our meeting with Mr Smith and Mr Crow on 9th February and my letter of 11th February, where I said: ‘My instructions are that we are to submit to you the anticipated further (we hope final) revision which will include the dimensional change in levels called for by Network Rail, the refinements you have seen which result from the dialogue with the WHSCC as well as possible adjustments to heights. Relevant amendments made to the full scheme will be matched by amendments to the smaller scheme (the Network Rail issue not being relevant).
As before, I will supply you with an initial submission for your consideration while the 18 consultation sets you ask for are being printed and bound. I anticipate that this should be with you in the first week of March.
We will also consider the desirability of a further [fourth] local consultation or exhibition. Please be in touch if there are any further issues for us to take into consideration.’
At the meeting we tabled and left with you a Halcrow engineering drawing which shows the construction design [PTDGRS/011] for rafting the cutting which is the basis for the technical approval ‘Form A’ application to Network Rail which is underway. As explained this threw up a requirement to reserve height under the development for future possible electrification with the consequence that we have had to adjust the ground levels affected. These changed requirements are accommodated in the enclosed.
My letter to you of 12 November (copy attached) reported the consequence of the three meetings we were asked to attend by the WHSCC and enclosed refined and amended drawings to which, at the third of these meetings, the consensus of the committee gave broad support. This letter details the changes which are also incorporated in the enclosed drawings. Mr Smith has since confirmed his view that full re-consultation is called for.
I have previously advised that negotiations with Network Rail are making good progress and I expect Network Rail to provide a supportive letter once we have a committee date. As mentioned when we spoke today, we believe that there can be a mutually satisfactory outcome to the negotiations with Simon Ferrier on the affordable housing, even though the 11 February meeting was cancelled by your officers and has now been re-arranged for 22 March.
We have taken advice with regard to the smaller application scheme and it has been decided to review the design on the basis that would not be a partial implementation of the larger scheme but should respond more to the limitations of the site excluding the railway land.
This work is in hand but will take a little longer to get to you. Meanwhile we ask that the application Ê04/1807/F (excluding Network Rail land) be put in abeyance.
The enclosed drawings and folders comprise full sets of a further revised application under references 02/0498/F (& 02/0499/C) which are for the CouncilÕs consideration. In addition to the 2 full scale ‘statutory’ sets of application drawings we supply the requested 18 bound volumes which also include illustrative views. bound sets of these drawings are in preparation for this purpose.
We also intend to mount a further exhibition at John Humphries House and to invite public consultation at a meeting with us one evening, as before. The consultation website will also be brought up to date. I will consult with Mr Smith on the timing and approach so as to complement his consultation arrangements.
Finally I would ask that a meeting is arranged with the Director so that the scheme may be presented to him and a discussion of relevant issues pursued ahead of his reporting to the Planning Board.
The statutory sets of the full scaleÊ drawings will be supplied to you as soon as these other documents have been prepared. Ê Please advise me if you need more.
I am sending copies of this submission and the drawings to the Rt Hon Nick Raynsford MP, Sir Michael Pike, chairman the Greenwich Society, Howard Slight, chairman the Greenwich Forum all of whom have asked me to keep them advised of our progress.
Yours faithfully
Brian Waters
attached: My letter to you dated 12 November 2004.
encls: Two bound sets of two volumes as noted above, with drawing issue sheets included. Area tables on the plans.
cc Steve Todd Esq, Stockwell Park Ltd, Jeremy Edge RICS, AtisReal
July 2004 Update:
There has been something of a delay as a result of issues connected with affordable housing and the Section 106 legal agreement between the developer and the Council.
There has now been a resolution which calls for housing content to be increased and of offices reduced. These design changes are incorporated in the final scheme which is fully pictured below.
External design changes are not consequential and deal mainly with details of fenestration. Internally the changes affect the arrangement of stairs and lifts.
A final formal consultation relating to these changes will take place in July/August ahead of consideration by the Planning Board.
Negotiations are in hand with Network Rail regarding the engineering works and related costs of spanning the cutting. Given the costs involved, which it is not yet certain that the scheme can support, a separate application has been lodged for an exacly similar development confined to the site owned by the applicant. Permission is sought for both so as to facilitate the preferred outcome – the larger development spanning the railway.
Below: the axis across the square towards St Alfage’s
Street views
Internal views
Development without the Network Rail cutting
Please find below (scroll down): images, elevations, plans, table of areas and the residential mix.
Click image above to see earlier proposals and consultation responses
The service drive for the rear of Nelson Road and to free Nelson Road for the putative ‘tram’ is seen in plan at the bottom of this page.
January 2003: This incorporates design modifications to the amended scheme:
Plans follow below in order from basement upwards:
The Borough is circulating folders with the full set of drawings and related notes for final consultation comments. Your positive response will be appreciated.
Nelson Road service drive in plan below. This facilitates but does not form part of the planning application and has been modified in the final June/July 2004 submissions so as to relocate the possible turning space away from the rear of the Bar du Museé. The authority suggested this arangement but now is considering designating a service vehicle bay in Church Street to serve the same purpose.