Scheme for the redevelopment of the mews and the provision of a trading floor with a green roof between the mews and the listed building at 14 Charles Street Mayfair for a major European financial institution. The resulting building will replace existing residential floor space as well as adding office space.
Planning and Conservation Area Consent applications have been made.
The present building contributes little to the conservation area, which is of mixed character and has several new buildings. The development will provide better quality residential accommodation as well as office space employing several people, thereby adding to the mixed use nature of the area.
The distinctive design of the replacement building will add to the variety, character and quality of Hays Mews.
PERMISSIONS were GRANTED by Westminster December 2008 for a slightly modified design which is illustrated below. The changes were required by conservation officers. Not an improvement in our opinion!
PLANS can be downloaded as .pdf files
Front elevation as approved: