David Cunningham

David Cunningham BA(Hons) DipArch ACIArb is a registered Architect with 25 years experience. David holds a BA (Hons) Architecture and Environmental Design and a Diploma in Architecture. He has worked both as an architect and as our project manager for architect-led construction management contract for the pool and bar at The Sanctuary Fitness Centre, Covent Garden, for BWCP. He is presently an Associate of the practice.

2004 to date: David has provided advice to a range of residential developers, on site acquisition issues, particularly in the areas of planning and change of use. On the subsequently acquired sites, he managed the planning process for the developers through to grant of permission. He works with both Neptune Estates and Hadley Homes as development / planning director and oversaw permission for 980 units with these companies alone.

Previously David was founding director of Chiltern Cunningham Associates (CCA) – 1990 to 2004 building it to a twenty strong commercial / residential practice.

CCA was a market leading brand in workplace design and corporate reorganisations, dealing with moves and new occupations of over 2 million ftsq of floor space. David was lead director for this sector of the business. Clients included EMAP (Magazines and Radio), Anglian Water, Reuters, Sanctuary Spa group, Recorded Picture Company, Heinz, BAFTA, and the Royal College of physicians.

The company was merged into Kennedy Haywards in 2001. David headed up the Kennedy Haywards Architecture department for three years when public and private sector residential developments were added to the mainstream work base. Previous practice associations include, as well as the Boisot Waters Cohen Partnership, Squire Associates and 3D Reid Architects London (returning recently to 3DReid to deliver the reserved matters for the Parkview Estates outline permission at Battersea Power Station).

David has tutored on design and practice management at Greenwich University and Ravensbourne College of Art and Design.